The Delhi Unified School District offers this information to any individual, company, or firm wishing to be added to the District’s general construction informal bid list for all trades pursuant to Public Contract Codes 22032 and 22034 – The California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCA). Interested parties must submit the CUPCCA contractor/vendor application to be included.
Qualified contractors submitting proper documentation will be included in the Delhi Unified School District informal bid construction list for the calendar year. The CUPCCA program covers informal bids on construction and/or maintenance projects of $200,000 or less for all construction trades. Please be advised that this does not automatically guarantee that you will be informed of, or included in all RFQ, RFP or bid requests as notices will be sent out for the category of work being bid. The District may also announce project opportunities in designated trade journals. The Delhi Unified School District Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all requests solicited, to waive minor irregularities, and make such decisions as deemed necessary in the best interest of the District.
Addendum No. 1 - Installation of Staff Restroom at El Capitan Elementary
Addendum No.01 - Replacement of Two Portable Classrooms and Installation of E-LOP Office
Addendum No. 1 - HVAC Upgrade at El Capitan Elementary School
The difficult can be done immediately ... the impossible takes a little longer.
Our Team:
Brian Gresham, Director of Fiscal Services, 209.656.2000
Antonio Aguilar, Director of Information Technology, 209.656.2000
Adan Moreno, Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation, 209.656.2000 Send Email
Joseph Tenorio, Director of Food Services, 209.656.2050x5108 Send Email
Transportation Department, 209.668.6140
Team Member | |
Karina Ramos, Analyst II Specialist | |
Laura Rhodes, Analyst I Specialist | |
Linda Turner, Accounts Payable | |
Maria Romero, Analyst I Specialist | |
Reyna Aguilar, Accounting Technician | |
Micaela Gonzalez, Food Services Clerk | |
Irma Mercado, Payroll/Accounting Technician | |
Alan Ojeda, Coordinator of Special Projects | |
Nick Munoz, Plant Tech | Facility Rentals |
While each of our Team Members have assigned service areas, we all work as a team.
Please feel free to contact any Team Member, and we will do our best to assist you and respond to any questions related to our District.