Independent Study
Independent Study is voluntary (EC 51747, 51749.5)
Independent Study shall be under the supervision of the principal or designee (EC 44865)
Short-term-Less than 15 school days
Number of Days:
15 consecutive school days or less
The minimum period is 3 days (EC 46300 (e)(1)
Notification by parents/Guardians:
Parents need to notify the principal 10 school/business days prior to their child’s independent study start date.
Parent/Admin conference to discuss short term independent study need
If students do not return back to in-person instruction on the return date of Independent Study, then the student absences will be unexcused leading to truancy.
Illness: LEA shall obtain evidence from appropriate licensed professional for participation in Independent Study (i.e. doctor’s note)
Travel Study
Military families
Eligibility: Approved if students show:
Motivation, commitment, organizational skills and academic skills necessary to work independently
Students with good attendance and behavior
Parent commitment to assist students with their work
Assignment/Work Study Due Dates:
Assignments are due on return date on Master Agreement (Assignments returned after the Due Date, academic credit may be given, but no credit will be awarded for attendance)
Written Agreement
Signed before the start of Independent Study by the student’s parents, caregiver, designated certificated employee for general and administrator/designee.
Special Education
An amendment signed by the IEP team that indicates student participation in short-term independent studies.
Documentation of the IS for SPED students who go on short term IS:
Step 1: Program Specialist, Principal (elementary) or Learning Coordinator @ Secondary, Case Manager and Parent have a quick meeting about the request for short-term IS and determine whether a student's IS is approved.
Links to Request Forms
Elementary ST Request Form (English)
Elementary ST Request Form (Spanish)
Secondary ST Request Form(English)
Secondary ST Request Form(Spanish)
Long-term-16 or more school days
Number of Days:
15 or more consecutive school days
Exceptions can be made to extend the due date of the assignment from the date it was made based on specific circumstances.
No more than one academic school year
Notification by parents/Guardians:
Parents need to notify the principal 10 school/business days prior to their child’s independent study start date.
Parent/Admin conference to discuss short term independent study need
Student-Parent-Educator Conference
Before signing the written agreement, the parent has a right to request a telephone, video, or in person conference to seek answers related to IS options, curriculum offerings, decision to enroll or disenroll from IS. (EC 51745.5; 51747(h)(2); 51749.5
Medical Illness/Injury
Safety Reasons
Family Hardship
Pregnancy/Teen Parent
Special Circumstances
Opportunities for live interaction and/or synchronous instruction, tiered re-engagement, and transition to in-person
K-3 grades: daily synchronous instruction (Classroom style instruction, small group or one-on-one instruction delivered in person or via internet connection, or telephone communication-up to an hour) EC 514747.5
While the teacher is teaching to the whole class, they broadcast their teaching via Google Meet with the long term IS student
Paraprofessional is assigned to the long term IS student.
4-8 grades: daily live and at least weekly synchronous instruction
9-12 grades: weekly synchronous instruction
Eligibility: Approved if students show:
Motivation, commitment, organizational skills and academic skills necessary to work independently
Parent commitment to assist students with their work
Students who are not at grade level may participate ONLY if appropriate support can be provided such as: supplemental instruction, tutoring, counseling, on-going diagnostic assessments, and/or differentiated materials to enable the student to be successful.
Assignment/Work Study Due Dates:
no more than one week may elapse between the date an assignment is made by the teacher and the date is due.
Written Agreement
Signed within the 10 school days from the first day of student starting in IS by the student’s parents, caregiver, designated certificated employee for general and administrator/designee
Determination of IS Placement:
Three missing assignments
Meet weekly with their supervising teacher
If a student misses more than 2 appointments, conduct an evaluation to determine whether IS is appropriate for the students.
If evaluation results in termination, the student returns to the regular classroom or alternative program and a written record of such evaluation will stay in their records for 3 years.
Special Education IS Participation:
The IEP team must agree that Special Education students can participate in Independent Study.
IEP must be approved PRIOR to IS start date
If the IEP team agrees, the case manager shall provide services