The fundamental precept of the California Public Records Act (hereinafter, “CPRA”) is that governmental records shall be disclosed to the public, upon request, unless there is a specific reason not to do so. The public may inspect documents free of charge.
Please complete a CPRA form with clear and specific descriptions of the information that you are seeking.
California Public Records Act Form (Coming Soon)
Once you've completed the form, please mail or fax the form to:
Delhi Unified School District
9716 Hinton Avenue
Delhi, CA 95315
Phone: 209-656-2000
Fax: 209-668-6133
Definition of “Records”
Any written information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency.
Public records are considered “writings” regardless of format.
Facsimile transmissions
Magnetic or paper tapes
Computer disks
Computer files on hard drives or PDAs
Who May Request Record
Any person
Natural person or Corporation (domestic or foreign)
Limited liability company
Any elected member or officer of any local agency
Not necessarily a resident of the school district
Not necessarily U.S. citizen
How the Public May Request Public Records
The District can not require that the request be in writing.
The District can suggest a written request for clarification of what is requested, but may not require it.
Reasons for the Request
The District may ask but not require a reason.
Requester could be:
A member of the press – or-
Someone with idle curiosity
â–şIn both cases, the rights to public records are identical
Format of Documents
Paper Documents
An exact copy must be provided unless impracticable.
Impracticable means the quality of copy and is a not basis to avoid any copies at all.
Electronic Documents
Electronic records must be made available in the same electronic format you use.
If a particular format is requested, it should be provided if it’s one that is already in use.
â–şCaveat: The District may not limit the availability of electronic information to electronic format only.
Physical Copies
Physical copies: A copy of the record must be provided upon payment of “direct costs of duplication”
only actual copying cost may be required (including the cost of ink, paper, equipment, and machine operator expense, but:
not time spent to research, locate, retrieve, and re-file.
Electronic Copies
Electronic copies: The cost of duplication is limited to the “direct cost.” If the request requires data compilation or extraction, or programming, the requester may be required to bear the cost.
Time to Response
10 days to either:
Provide the record
Respond with a determination as to when the record will be provided.
Unusual Circumstances
Time limits may be extended by written notice (no more than 14 days) for “Unusual circumstances”:
Records not located at the main office
Require examination of voluminous, separate, and distinct records
Require consultation with another agency having substantial interest
Require compiling data, computer programming, or constructing a computer report to extract data
Burdensome Requests
Time to locate, volume, or cost
Not a basis to outright reject a request
Maybe a basis to modify the timing, amount, or kind of records to be released when it would otherwise be an unreasonable burden.
Requirement to assist the requestor in narrowing the request.
Requirement to Assist
Any Public Agency Must:
Assist the public to identify records and information that are responsive to the request or purpose of the request, if stated.
Describe the technology and location in which the records exist.
Provide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the records sought.
Exemptions from Disclosure
Pupil Records
Personnel & Privacy Exception
Employees’ home addresses and home phone numbers
Preliminary drafts, notes, or intra-agency memoranda not retained in the ordinary course
Pending litigation or claims
Test questions, scoring keys
The public interest served by not disclosing the record clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure of the record.
Personnel Files Exemption
Personnel, medical, or similar records may be exempt, if, “the disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”
Protects intimate details of personal and family life, not business judgments and relationships.
The public employee’s right to privacy may be over-ridden by the public’s “right to know” for:
Employment Contracts
Well-founded complaints from members of the Public - even if no discipline or finding that the charge is true